Temperature Sticks

Thermopen’s or Temperature Sticks are surface temperature indicating crayons. Thermopens indicate surface temperature by changing from a chalk mark into a liquid smear.
General directions for use :
Remove cap from plastic holder. Push Thermopens slightly out of the holder and retighten with cap. Peel protective aluminum foil to expose thermopen. Mark the thermopen on the surface where the temperature is to be measured. If the chalk mark turns into a liquid smear then the surface has attained the rated thermopen temperature. If the chalk mark remains unchanged, then the surface temperature is lower than that rated for the thermopens.

Standard ranges in °C :
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000
For your requirements of temperatures not listed above please contact us.
Determining preheat and post-heat temperatures during welding, annealing and stress relieving in metal fabrication. Measuring operating temperatures of transformers, motors, glass blowing, stream traps, molds, electronic components, heat transfer application and hydraulic systems.
Size: Ø8 X 75 mm, Overall length 115mm
Accuracy: ± 1% to 2% of rated the temperature (due to higher ranges)
Packing: One Box of 6 pens
Shelf Life: 24 months from the date of manufacturing
Thermopens are lead, sulfur, chloride free
Conversion to °F = (°C X 9/5) + 32